
Monday, June 18, 2012

Water as a Solid and a Liquid.

Does water take up the same space if it is a solid and a liquid?

When the water is a solid it is ice. When the water is ice it takes up more space because we put ice in a jar and filled it to the top. Then we watched it melt. Now the jar is half full of water now that it is a liquid.
Full jar of Ice.
 At the end of the day the ice had kind of melted

The next day the ice had completely melted and it is now a liquid.
Photos taken by Jett.


  1. Wow, you watched ice melt today? I hope you had the heater on!! That is a very cool experiment - did anyone make some predictions? Thank you again for coming in to share your waiata with NIN this morning - I had that song stuck in my head ALL DAY!

  2. Great photos Jett. Wow it is pretty amazing that it was full of ice and not even half full of water once it melted. Did anyone notice if the jar got warmer as the ice was melting....or is ice melted water just as cold as ice?????

  3. Wow that jar is really full of ice.It wanted of been really cold like a frozen ice sculpture.But why is the ice to the and the ice melted half of the jar how wanted we find out?

  4. When the jar was full with ice was the jar cold?

  5. the ice in the jar was really big. When the ice in the jar was melted it shrunk it was really little.
