
Thursday, February 7, 2013

Our First Day of Swimming

Today was our first time in the pool. We had a great time showing Ebony all the things we can do in the water. We also practiced the school pool rules and expectations.
Digital Dudes Challenge: Post a comment sharing what you can do in the pool. Can you float on your back or swim freestyle?


  1. I was so amazed at how clever you all are in the pool. I can't wait to see what else you can do and what new tricks you learn.

  2. I can do both of those. I do swimming lessons at freyberg. You can really see me in the picture.

  3. I can float like a star fish on the water. The pool was so cold and deep. I can be flat under water. I can float on my back and move my arms.

  4. I am learning to swim freestyle and I almost swam a whole length at my swimming lessons today.
